Donatie moodies aan Sociale Kruidenier

Donation of moodies to Sociale Kruidenier

On Friday, November 4, Moodies donated its first load of 250 menstrual pants to the Sociale Kruidenier. (SK, part of the Food Bank)

Marjolein Moorman, councilor of Amsterdam whose portfolio includes poverty, was present. Menstrual poverty in Amsterdam is close to her heart, and she thinks it's great that people with a small budget can now get such a nice product. She hopes that this action by Moodies is an example for other companies.

Unfortunately, these types of actions are still very much needed. Recent research by non-profit organization Neighborhood Feminists and research agency Opinium shows that 25% of women in Amsterdam sometimes experience menstrual poverty. This means that sometimes you do not have enough money to buy menstrual products. Which in turn means that these women do not go out and call in sick from school, work or socially isolate.

donation of social grocery moodies against period poverty


The purpose of the sociale kruidenier

At the Sociale Kruidenier, customers of the Amsterdam Food Bank can buy non-food and long-life products at a small price, in addition to their food package. Freedom of choice is central here. In addition, the Sociale Kruidenier is a meeting place where people can go for a cup of coffee, a listening ear or accessible financial advice. A great location for people in poverty to obtain the necessary items. Very cosy!


The Moodies pants were received with great enthusiasm by Doreen Bor of the SK. “We are so very happy with this. We can now offer our customers a long-term and sustainable solution for menstruation and mild incontinence. The women who suffer from this and do not have the financial resources, have problems with this every day.” A number of ladies were immediately interested in the products and started testing them. Claire from moodies explained how the product works and how the pants should be treated.

explanation about moodies undies when donating to social grocer for menstrual poverty


The purpose of moodies

Moodies donates 5% of the number of pants sold to the Sociale Kruidenier, as part of their program: moodies against menstrual poverty . With your purchase you support women in poverty.

the purpose of moodies against period poverty donation social grocery

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