moodies against period poverty
Period poverty is when someone has insufficient access to the things needed to get through your period safely and comfortably, such as sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual underwear or a cup. But painkillers and access to a shower, toilet and sink are also essential.
Sometimes women or girls put toilet paper in their underpants, or they run the risk of irritation or infection because they are forced to wear the same sanitary towel or tampon for far too long.
Unfortunately, this still happens far too often, even in the Netherlands. In 2019 study by Plan Nederland showed that 9% of young girls in the Netherlands sometimes do not have enough money for tampons and/or sanitary towels.
We are shocked that period poverty even exists in our country. That shouldn't be happening right? We are happy to contribute to improving this a little. We believe that the government has a responsibility to address this and will therefore try to bring it to the attention of the right people.
We donate 5% of the number of moodies sold on this site to girls and women living in period poverty .

januari 2025
Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp
We doneerden 300 broekjes aan Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp. Dit Fonds helpt kinderen en jongeren van 0 tot 21 jaar die in ons land opgroeien in armoede.
Anna: “We zijn er erg blij mee, en zorgen ervoor dat het via aangesloten organisaties bij de juiste kinderen terechtkomt, zodat deze kinderen voor een periode van een paar jaar geen zorgen meer hebben over menstruatieproducten”
We gaan een vervolg geven aan onze samenwerking zodat we nog meer kinderen kunnen helpen.

Rebup International Girls Day
Lees omgedraaid 'puber'. Verschillende locaties in Haarlem waar ieder kind tussen 7 en 17 jaar welkom is, met en zonder rugzakje!
Stichting Rebup is een veilige plek voor pubers en prépubers, waar je na schooltijd terecht kan voor een praatje, een luisterend oor en een beker warme chocolademelk.
Op deze meidendag hebben we de meiden weer uitgelegd wat menstruatieondergoed is, en mochten ze allemaal een broekje uitzoeken.

Bruzelle x Veritas
Bruzelle fights against menstrual poverty by collecting menstrual products and delivering them free and discreetly to menstruating people in a difficult living situation.
Together with our Belgian partner Veritas, Moodies has organized a campaign to collect pants for this purpose. The donation was very warmly received by Bruzelle.
"We will distribute the largest number to students at the beginning of the next school year when we provide education about menstruation with our Rules of 3 project."

Armoede fonds
With this donation, the Poverty Fund will supply its Menstrual Distribution Points (MUPs) with reusable menstrual underwear to combat menstrual poverty!
It's nice to be able to contribute to this from Moodies.

Rebup International Girls Day
Read 'adolescent' reversed. Various locations in Haarlem where every child between 7 and 17 years old is welcome, with and without a backpack!
The Rebup Foundation is a safe place for teenagers and pre-teens, where you can go after school for a chat, a listening ear and a cup of hot chocolate.
On this girls' day we explained to the girls what menstrual underwear is, and they were all allowed to choose a pair of pants.

SINA Foundation
The Samen Is Not Alone Foundation ( SINA ) visits families and people in Amsterdam of all ages who live below or near the poverty line.
Personal help is paramount. This way they adapt the help to what someone really needs.
Moodies happily made a donation because SINA employees know who they can make happy with this for a longer period of time.
For example, a family in poverty with 3 daughters who had to go to the drugstore every month, and for which the budget simply wasn't there, has now been helped for a few years.

Sociale Kruidenier
Another large donation of pants to the Social Grocer. People who knew us by now were almost already waiting for us.
It's nice to be able to contribute to menstrual poverty in Amsterdam in this way.

Sociale Kruidenier
In the presence of Amsterdam councilor Marjolein Moorman, responsible, among other things, for the poverty reduction portfolio, we donated a large collection of pants to Doreen Bor of the Social Grocer.
The Social Grocer is affiliated with the Food Bank and ensures that our pants end up with girls and ladies who sometimes have too little budget and who receive a long-term solution with our pants. They can go out again, to school, work and other social activities.