
menstruatie en reizen: voorbereid op pad!

menstruatie en reizen: voorbereid op pad!

Bente Hagens

Ah, vakantie! De tijd van het jaar waar je naar uitkijkt om nieuwe plekken te ontdekken, plezier te hebben met vrienden en even alles achter je te laten. Maar wacht,...

menstruatie en reizen: voorbereid op pad!

Bente Hagens

Ah, vakantie! De tijd van het jaar waar je naar uitkijkt om nieuwe plekken te ontdekken, plezier te hebben met vrienden en even alles achter je te laten. Maar wacht,...

EHBM: Hygiëne tips tijdens je menstruatie

EHBM: Hygiene tips during your period

Bente Hagens

When you are menstruating, you often feel a little less fresh. Of course, this is not always the case, but because you are bleeding, it sometimes feels that way. Not...

EHBM: Hygiene tips during your period

Bente Hagens

When you are menstruating, you often feel a little less fresh. Of course, this is not always the case, but because you are bleeding, it sometimes feels that way. Not...

Puberteit en hormonen: Wat gebeurt er en wat kun je doen? + Recept

Puberty and Hormones: What Happens and What Can...

Bente Hagens

Puberty is a tough time in which all sorts of things change in your body. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone play a major role in this. These hormones ensure...

Puberty and Hormones: What Happens and What Can...

Bente Hagens

Puberty is a tough time in which all sorts of things change in your body. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone play a major role in this. These hormones ensure...

EHBM: Hoe kan je het beste omgaan met stemmingswisselingen

EHBM: How to best deal with mood swings

Bente Hagens

Menstruation is a natural part of being a woman, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Especially for teenagers, it can be a confusing and challenging time. One of the...

EHBM: How to best deal with mood swings

Bente Hagens

Menstruation is a natural part of being a woman, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Especially for teenagers, it can be a confusing and challenging time. One of the...

De eerste menstruatie: het doorbreken van taboes - Podcast

The First Period: Breaking Taboos - Podcast

Bente Hagens

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to collaborate with a group of enthusiastic students from the InHolland University of Applied Sciences in The Hague. These students were given the...

The First Period: Breaking Taboos - Podcast

Bente Hagens

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to collaborate with a group of enthusiastic students from the InHolland University of Applied Sciences in The Hague. These students were given the...

6 apps om je cyclus in bij te houden

6 apps to track your cycle

Bente Hagens

Keeping track of your cycle, symptoms and complaints can become a lot easier with the help of menstrual tracking apps. They are useful, but also have their pros and cons....

6 apps to track your cycle

Bente Hagens

Keeping track of your cycle, symptoms and complaints can become a lot easier with the help of menstrual tracking apps. They are useful, but also have their pros and cons....