A nosebleed on your pillow, menstrual blood on your mattress or a dark stain on your favourite jeans after a fall; blood stains end up in all sorts of places and are unfortunately stubborn. It may seem like a difficult task to remove blood from textiles, but with the right approach you can often successfully remove these stains. Below we share a number of practical tips to effectively remove blood stains from your clothing.
Tips for Removing Blood Stains from Your Clothes or Sheets

- Use cold water first As soon as you notice that there is blood on your clothing, it is important to rinse it out immediately. Use cold water for this, because warm water causes the blood to clot and penetrate deeper into the fabric. Rinse the garment under the cold tap until most of the blood has disappeared. If you cannot do this immediately because you are at school, for example, do it as soon as you can. In this case, when you get home.
- Remove Fresh Blood with Saliva This may sound a bit crazy, but saliva can work wonders when it comes to removing fresh blood stains. Saliva contains enzymes that break down proteins, making it easier to loosen the blood. Dab a small amount of saliva onto the stain and rub gently, then rinse the garment again with cold water.
Shampoo for colored fabrics For colored garments, you can use a mild shampoo. Shampoo is designed to break down grease and dirt and can also help with blood stains. Apply a small amount of shampoo to the stain, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. This method is particularly useful for fabrics that are sensitive to harsh detergents.
- Table salt and cold water A natural way to remove blood stains is with a mixture of table salt and cold water. Make a paste by mixing some salt with water, apply it to the stain and let it sit for a short while. The salt acts as a mild abrasive and can loosen the blood. Then rinse with cold water and wash the garment as usual.
- Always follow the care label For stubborn blood stains, you may consider washing the garment at a higher temperature, but make sure that this is permitted according to the care label. However, always make sure that you follow the instructions on the label to prevent damage to the textile. Manufacturers such as Miele recommend this for heavy soiling, as higher temperatures help to effectively loosen stains.

Do your clothes turn red if you wash your period underwear in the washing machine?
A frequently asked question is whether washing menstrual underwear in the washing machine can cause other clothing to turn red. Fortunately, this is not the case. It is important to rinse the underwear first under cold water to remove excess blood. During washing in the washing machine, the water continuously flows through the clothing, preventing the blood from seeping into other clothing. So by first rinsing the panties, you ensure that your menstrual underwear can be washed together with other clothing without any problems and without discolouration.
Do you want to wash your period underwear thoroughly? You can! Then follow our washing instructions for major maintenance. This ensures that your panties last longer and that there are no odors.