De pil; wel of niet goed voor je?

The pill; good for you or not?

As a woman, there are many different types of contraceptives that you can use. The pill is the most popular form of contraception and many people wonder: is the pill good or not? It offers the reliability of not getting pregnant. But the pill is also used for a more regular cycle, painful or heavy menstruation or, for example, acne.

There are several stories circulating today about the pill, especially about its possible negative effects. For example, it is claimed that the hormones in the pill can cause feelings of depression or lower libido. Artificial hormones in the pill could disrupt the hormone balance, although sensitivity to hormones varies per individual. As a result, more and more menstruators are switching to hormone-free contraceptive methods

What is true now? The effect of the pill differs per person due to individual body characteristics and reactions. In this blog we will give you more information about the pros and cons of the pill. Is the pill good or not?


How does the contraceptive pill work?

The contraceptive pill comes in different types. The most commonly used is the combination pill. It is called that because there are 2 types of hormones in this pill. The hormone progestogen ensures that you do not become pregnant: you do not ovulate, the mucus in your cervix thickens; The man's sperm (sperm) does not get through as well and a fertilized egg cannot attach itself to your uterus.

The hormone estrogen causes you to bleed regularly.

Basically, this pill that you take daily regulates your natural cycle by ensuring that no egg is released. The uterus is therefore not prepared for implantation. If you use the pill you will have bleeding, but we do not call it menstruation because no egg is removed. This bleeding is usually very regular and not so heavy due to the pill, which is very practical.

The pill also thickens the mucus in the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to pass through. All this together ensures that the chance of an unwanted pregnancy is very small. It is important to know that the use of antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of the pill.


Disadvantages of using the pill

The pill is a great option for many women, but more and more women are choosing to use another form of contraception. This is because there are also a number of disadvantages to using the pill. It is important to take the pill consistently; if you do not do this, the reliability of the pill decreases.

The pill also does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STDs), so these are aspects to take into account if you take or want to take the pill.

In addition, there are some side effects that are not known to everyone. We list these below. Not everyone suffers from these side effects, it varies from person to person.


Side effects of the pill

The side effects are different for everyone who takes the pill, so not all side effects mentioned below will apply to you.

  • You may experience breast tenderness, nausea, headaches and weight changes.
  • Taking the pill can also cause hormonal side effects, such as mood swings, headaches, weight gain and breast tenderness.
  • It could increase the risk of thrombosis, gallstones, breast cancer and high blood pressure in women. And there are even more possible side effects.


There are also positive side effects of the pill, which is why the pill is sometimes not used for contraception but rather for one of these positive side effects.

  • The pill can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
  • The pill can also help reduce the symptoms of hormonal disorders such as: PCOS and endometriosis .
  • And the pill can help replace heavy menstruation with less heavy bleeding and regulate it.


Alternatives to the pill

In addition to the contraceptive pill, there are a number of other forms of contraception.

  • For example, you can choose to get an IUD, either with or without hormones.
  • You can also opt for an injection pill, where you receive an injection every three months, which can be useful if you do not want to take a pill every day.
  • In addition, there is also a fairly old method that is increasingly being used with innovative means: measuring your basal body temperature. With this method you measure your body temperature every morning so that you know when you are ovulating and therefore fertile. This is done with a special device offered by various companies. With this method it is important to measure at the same time every morning, otherwise the reliability is much lower.
  • Finally, you can also choose to use condoms, an additional advantage is that they also protect you against STDs. Just make sure you use them correctly.

We also have a blog about different types of contraception, their explanation and the influence they have on your cycle. Take a look at the blog about contraception and your cycle: how do they influence each other?


So, is the pill good or not?

The choice of whether or not to use the contraceptive pill is personal and depends on your own needs. It is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and discuss them with a parent or doctor. Listen to your own body and choose the contraceptive method that suits you best.

There are also several forms of contraception, if you are interested in this you can also take a look at the pharmacy 's website.
My tip: Choose a form of contraception that you feel comfortable with. This is different for everyone. So don't let yourself be influenced by what friends and family do. So there is no right or wrong in the story.

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