
Koken voor je cyclus afl 2: Breakfast bowl (lente/menstruatie)

Cooking for your cycle episode 2: Breakfast bow...

Claire van Beek

In this series, we'll take you through the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle and show you how to calm binge eating in each phase with tasty recipes. This series...

Cooking for your cycle episode 2: Breakfast bow...

Claire van Beek

In this series, we'll take you through the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle and show you how to calm binge eating in each phase with tasty recipes. This series...

Koken voor je cyclus afl 1: Chocolade-banaan Smoothie (winter/menstruatie)

Cooking for your cycle episode 1: Chocolate-ban...

Claire van Beek

In this series, we'll take you through the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle and show you how to calm binge eating in each phase with tasty recipes. This series...

Cooking for your cycle episode 1: Chocolate-ban...

Claire van Beek

In this series, we'll take you through the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle and show you how to calm binge eating in each phase with tasty recipes. This series...

De onzichtbare slagvelden van endometriose: de verhalen van Tamara en Shuhainy

The invisible battlefields of endometriosis: th...

Claire van Beek

Based on a call on our socials, Tamara and Suhainy were interviewed by us. They each shared their own experiences with us about the lengthy process of pain and diagnosis....

The invisible battlefields of endometriosis: th...

Claire van Beek

Based on a call on our socials, Tamara and Suhainy were interviewed by us. They each shared their own experiences with us about the lengthy process of pain and diagnosis....

6 apps om je cyclus in bij te houden

6 apps to track your cycle

Bente Hagens

Keeping track of your cycle, symptoms and complaints can become a lot easier with the help of menstrual tracking apps. They are useful, but also have their pros and cons....

6 apps to track your cycle

Bente Hagens

Keeping track of your cycle, symptoms and complaints can become a lot easier with the help of menstrual tracking apps. They are useful, but also have their pros and cons....

Anticonceptie en je cyclus: hoe beïnvloedt het elkaar?

Contraception and your cycle: how do they influ...

Bente Hagens

Nowadays there are so many different contraceptive methods available that it can be difficult to find the right one that suits you. So you have contraception with or without hormones,...

Contraception and your cycle: how do they influ...

Bente Hagens

Nowadays there are so many different contraceptive methods available that it can be difficult to find the right one that suits you. So you have contraception with or without hormones,...

waar komt die buikpijn toch vandaan?

Where does that stomach ache come from?

Bente Hagens

Ah, the monthly period. A time when some of us transform into superheroes battling the forces of PMS, while others curl up on the couch, armed with chocolate, a hot...

Where does that stomach ache come from?

Bente Hagens

Ah, the monthly period. A time when some of us transform into superheroes battling the forces of PMS, while others curl up on the couch, armed with chocolate, a hot...