Hoe slaap en menstruatie elkaar beïnvloeden (en wat je eraan kunt doen)

How sleep and menstruation affect each other (and what you can do about it)

Sleep is essential for your health and well-being. But did you know that your sleep is also affected by your menstrual cycle? And that your period in turn also affects your sleep? In this blog I explain how that works and what you can do to sleep better during your period.

How hormones disrupt your sleep

Your menstrual cycle is regulated by several hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone and melatonin. These hormones fluctuate throughout the month and affect your body temperature, your mood, your appetite and your sleep.

Especially in the second half of your cycle, after ovulation, your sleep can be disturbed by the drop in estrogen and the rise in progesterone.

how menstruation and sleep influence each other

Progesterone makes you sleepy, but it can also cause more night sweats, more dreaming and more waking. Additionally, progesterone can affect your breathing and increase your risk of snoring or sleep apnea.

Melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake rhythm, is also influenced by your cycle. Melatonin is produced when it gets dark and makes you sleepy. But when your estrogen levels drop, your melatonin production also drops. This means that you fall asleep less quickly and sleep less deeply.

How sleep deprivation makes your period worse

If you sleep poorly due to your hormones, this can also have consequences for your period. Sleep deprivation can lead to more stress, more inflammation, more pain and more mood swings. This can worsen your menstrual symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, back pain, irritability and depression.

sleep and menstruation influence the body In addition, sleep deprivation can also affect your ovulation and fertility. If you sleep too little or too irregularly, it can cause your ovulation to fail or shift. This can lead to irregular or absent periods, or problems with becoming pregnant.

What can you do to sleep better during your period?

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to sleep better during your period. Here are a few tips:

  • Maintain a fixed sleep schedule. Go to bed around the same time every day and get up around the same time. This way you help your body to follow a natural sleep-wake rhythm.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine in the evening. These substances can disrupt your sleep by keeping you awake or reducing your sleep quality.
  • Provide a comfortable bedroom. Keep the temperature cool, the lights dim and the noise low. If necessary, use a fan, a blackout curtain or earplugs to create an optimal sleeping environment.
  • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle for your stomach or back. Heat can help relax the muscles and reduce pain.
  • Do light exercise during the day. Exercise can help reduce stress, release endorphins and improve circulation. But avoid intense exercise just before bedtime, as it can be stimulating.
  • Try relaxation techniques before bed. Think of meditation, yoga, breathing exercises or a warm bath. These can help you relax and fall asleep.
  • Talk to your doctor if your sleep problems persist or are severe. Sometimes sleep problems can be a sign of an underlying condition, such as endometriosis, PCOS or a thyroid problem. Your doctor can then examine and treat you further.

How do the menstrual cycle and hormones influence your dreams

The menstrual cycle and hormones play an important role in regulating various aspects of health. They can even influence dream experiences. The menstrual cycle is associated with changes in women's sleep patterns. It can lead to disruptions in sleep rhythms, which can result in more vivid and unusual dreams. The fluctuations in hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone, are believed to be the driving forces behind these changes.

In addition, hormones not only influence sleep quality, but can also influence the content of dreams. Hormonal fluctuations, especially around menstruation, can lead to intense dream experiences. Just before menstruation, your dreams may be remarkably vivid and sometimes even wild. This is due to the hormonal changes and the influence it has on the brain. These dreams may be caused by a combination of hormonal peaks and valleys, which in turn makes the link between the menstrual cycle and the rich dream world.

Menstrual underwear helps you sleep well at night

Make sure you wear menstrual underwear at night. You can easily wear menstrual underwear for 8-10 hours, which means you don't have to get out halfway through the night to change a tampon or sanitary towel.

The boyshorts with super absorption are ideal for sleeping. It doesn't matter whether you sleep on your stomach, on your side or back, because the absorption layer in the boyshorts super runs from the back waistband to the front waistband. In the morning, rinse the pants in the shower and put them in the laundry basket.

What can you do to help girls who are getting their first period?

first period mother and daughter conversation If you are a girl getting her period for the first time, or if you are a parent, caregiver or friend of such a girl, it can also be nice to get some extra tips about sleeping and menstruation. Here are a few ideas:

  • Explain what happens to her body and the hormones during the menstrual cycle. This way you can prepare your daughter for the changes she can expect and reassure her that they are normal.
  • Provide a menstrual calendar or an app to help her track her cycle. This way she can learn to recognize her own rhythm and predict when she will have her period.
  • Provide enough sanitary towels or menstrual underwear and explain how to use them. Also make sure you have an extra set of clothes, underwear and bedding in case something leaks.
  • Encourage her to take good care of herself during her period. That means eating healthy, drinking enough, getting enough rest and doing fun things. This way she can keep her energy and mood up.
  • Be understanding and supportive if she suffers from complaints or emotions. Listen to her, give her a hug, a compliment or advice if she needs it.
  • Consult a doctor if the girl has heavy or prolonged bleeding, a lot of pain or other complaints that hinder her daily life. Sometimes there may be a medical cause that requires treatment.


moodies menstrual underwear sustainable Sleeping and menstruating are two natural processes that influence each other. Your hormones can disrupt your sleep during your period, and sleep deprivation can worsen your menstrual symptoms. Fortunately, with a few simple tips you can improve your sleep and make your period easier.

And if you are a girl who is getting her period for the first time, or if you know such a girl, you can also get extra help and support to get through this new phase in your life.

I hope you found this blog interesting and useful. Do you have any questions or comments? Let me know by email or whatsapp!

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