Hevige menstruatie bij tienerdochters, wat moet je doen? Tips voor ouders.

Heavy periods for teenage daughters, what should you do? Tips for parents.

We regularly receive messages from concerned parents of teenage daughters who suffer from heavy menstruation and the associated complaints. It is heartbreaking to see that these girls sometimes have such heavy periods that normal functioning, such as exercising and going to school, becomes virtually impossible. In addition to excessive blood loss, they often experience severe menstrual cramps, oily skin, pimples and a lack of energy due to anemia and iron deficiency. This pattern repeats monthly, making fatigue a standard presence.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation

If your teenage daughter regularly struggles with a short cycle (about 21 days), a prolonged menstrual period (7 days or more), excessive bleeding (which requires you to change within 4 hours and often use different menstrual products), loses clots, experiences cramps in the abdomen and back, and is tired due to iron deficiency and anemia, she may suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. It is very important to take these symptoms seriously.

Causes and when to go to the doctor

About 25% of girls experience heavy menstrual bleeding in the first one to two years after the start of their menstrual cycle. This is often caused by hormones being out of balance. It is a vicious circle in which ovulation does not occur, which means that progesterone is not produced. This results in the incessant growth of the uterine lining and leads to excessive blood loss. Although this usually stops on its own after one to two years, it is important not to ignore this as severe menstruation can also indicate a clotting disorder.

It is important that girls with heavy menstrual bleeding consult a doctor. Sometimes GPs are not fully aware of these problems. They cannot always help immediately, but it is useful to make this known to a specialist who can keep an eye on this. But be well prepared and keep a menstrual calendar for two cycles. This provides sufficient information for a referral to a gynecologist.

How can I track my period?

There are various options and options to track your period. People who work a lot with their agenda like to keep track of it by putting a cross when you have your period. Others use a menstrual calendar as indicated above. But menstruation apps are often used. Here you can keep track of when your period starts and ends. The complaints/symptoms you experience and this gives you a lot of insights into your cycle. Is it regular, is it severe, do I have many complaints? You can then discuss this with a parent/child/doctor and keep track of whether everything is going according to standard.

Treatment options

Various treatments are available, including contraceptives such as the pill and tranexamic acid (a medicine that reduces/stops bleeding). This choice is determined together by a gynecologist or hematologist.

severe menstrual pain and cramps

Practical tips for relief from severe menstrual complaints

  1. A hot water bottle on the stomach can provide relief during menstruation.
  2. Sometimes a day of staying home is necessary; take menstrual complaints seriously and ask what your daughter needs.
  3. Exercise, such as walking or yoga, stimulates circulation and reduces menstrual cramps.
  4. Consult with your doctor about painkillers specifically for menstrual pain.
  5. Thick warm socks can help, especially because excessive blood loss can cause colder feet and hands.
  6. Menstrual underwear with super absorption offers comfort and security.
  7. Provide a diet rich in iron and fiber to compensate for deficiencies.
  8. Chamomile tea or fennel tea has a soothing effect on the stomach and abdomen.

By following these tips and seeking medical attention in a timely manner, teenage girls can better cope with heavy periods. Breaking the taboo surrounding menstruation is essential for a healthy menstrual cycle.

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