De eerste menstruatie: het doorbreken van taboes - Podcast

The First Period: Breaking Taboos - Podcast

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to collaborate with a group of enthusiastic students from the InHolland University of Applied Sciences in The Hague. These students were given the assignment to think about how we at Moodies Undies can best reach our younger target group. The result of their work was an inspiring podcast that openly discussed topics such as the first menstruation and other, sometimes embarrassing, experiences.

The first period is a milestone that many young girls remember. It is a moment of growth and a step into adulthood, but it can also be confusing and sometimes embarrassing. By discussing the topic openly in their podcast, the students of InHolland have helped break the taboo surrounding menstruation. They share personal stories and experiences, making the topic more accessible and less loaded for other young girls.

Thanks to the students at InHolland, we can continue to reach young girls with a fresh perspective and also bring them the message that it is normal to talk about menstruation and offer them a comfortable and environmentally friendly solution for during menstruation.

Curious about the podcast the students made? Then definitely watch the podcast video they made.

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