
De geschiedenis van menstruatie ondergoed: van lappen tot innovatief textiel

De geschiedenis van menstruatie ondergoed: van ...

Bente Hagens

Menstruatie ondergoed is tegenwoordig niet meer weg te denken. Geen gedoe met maandverband of tampons, maar gewoon een absorberend broekje dat je bloed opvangt. Hoe fijn is dat? Maar wist...

De geschiedenis van menstruatie ondergoed: van ...

Bente Hagens

Menstruatie ondergoed is tegenwoordig niet meer weg te denken. Geen gedoe met maandverband of tampons, maar gewoon een absorberend broekje dat je bloed opvangt. Hoe fijn is dat? Maar wist...

Menstruatie en honger: waarom wil je meer eten?

Menstruation and Hunger: Why Do You Want to Eat...

Bente Hagens

Many women notice that their appetite changes during their menstrual cycle. Hunger can increase especially around and during menstruation. This is not a coincidence, but the result of hormonal fluctuations...

Menstruation and Hunger: Why Do You Want to Eat...

Bente Hagens

Many women notice that their appetite changes during their menstrual cycle. Hunger can increase especially around and during menstruation. This is not a coincidence, but the result of hormonal fluctuations...

Worden onze producten eerlijk gemaakt?

Are our products made fairly?

Bente Hagens

We are all about being environmentally friendly and fair in every step of the process. From design to delivery to your door, we believe it is important that everything is...

Are our products made fairly?

Bente Hagens

We are all about being environmentally friendly and fair in every step of the process. From design to delivery to your door, we believe it is important that everything is...

8 tips hoe je soepeler door de pre-menopauze en overgang heen komt

8 tips to get through perimenopause and menopau...

Bente Hagens

Premenopause and menopause can be challenging for many women. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Premenopause is the stage where you still have regular periods,...

8 tips to get through perimenopause and menopau...

Bente Hagens

Premenopause and menopause can be challenging for many women. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Premenopause is the stage where you still have regular periods,...

Moodies tegen menstruatiearmoede

Moodies against period poverty

Bente Hagens

Menstruation is a normal and natural part of life for many people, but unfortunately, not everyone has access to the right products. This is called period poverty, which means that...

Moodies against period poverty

Bente Hagens

Menstruation is a normal and natural part of life for many people, but unfortunately, not everyone has access to the right products. This is called period poverty, which means that...

Hoe verwijder je bloedvlekken uit kleding?

How do you remove blood stains from clothes?

Bente Hagens

A nosebleed on your pillow, menstrual blood on your mattress or a dark stain on your favourite jeans after a fall; blood stains end up in all sorts of places...

How do you remove blood stains from clothes?

Bente Hagens

A nosebleed on your pillow, menstrual blood on your mattress or a dark stain on your favourite jeans after a fall; blood stains end up in all sorts of places...